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Understanding SuperAPI entities

It can be a bit tricky to understand the entities that SuperAPI uses, in particular the entities that are used as the links between SuperAPI and your software. You might have come across these terms in our documentation or after we've been on a call together:

  • Partner
  • Product
  • Employer
  • Employee
  • Onboarding session

This reference has been created as a shortcut to help you understand how these entities relate to each other and how they relate to objects in your system.


The purpose of these entities is to model the relationship between your system and SuperAPI. They follow a strict hierarchy from the Partner at the top down to the onboarding session, in detail:


The partner represents the relationship between SuperAPI and the software partner that is consuming our service. For most software partners, you don't need to worry too much about this entity as we take care of it for you. However, for some partners that have particular software configurations you will call API routes using the special partner key to dynamically create products.


This entity is managed by the SuperAPI team.


The product represents your application. In most cases, this is usually singular but in some circumstances you may want to dynamically provision products using your partner API key. For example, if your application is instanced many times, one for each customer, or you have use vanity url subdomains, you may want to dynamically create products.

We have no limit on the number of products you can create under your partner and suggest creating products when developing locally against our API.

Products start in a sandbox environment by default. This prevents you from calling real ATO or SuperFund APIs (we will instead simulate the calls). If you are creating products using a partner key then you will be able to dynamically set the sandbox status of the product.


We will typically create you a product for production and for development when getting you set up.


The employer represents a business entity that is using your software. For example, if you have payroll software then the employer represents the organisation in your system with an ABN. Depending on the functionality of SuperAPI used, you may need to get the owner of the organisation to perform a setup action before you can do other functions in SuperAPI. An example of this is that we require the selection of a default super fund before superannuation onboarding functions can be enabled.


This entity requires a remote_id field which can be used to map back to your system.


The employee represents a user entity who is employed at the employer. This entity should be unique per employer <> employee relationship in your system (e.g. if a user works at two organisations in your system, then we should have two matching employee records in SuperAPI, not one representing the underlying user). Currently this entity exists to provide future functionality such as superannuation payments via our SuperSend product and to allow our software partners to configure superannuation performance dashboards inside the application.


This entity requires a remote_id field which can be used to map back to your system.

Onboarding session

The onboarding session represents a one off workflow that can be given to a user to perform actions in the SuperAPI system via the embed. These actions include actions like selecting a bank account, validating a phone and nominating a superannuation fund to make contributions to.


This entity requires a remote_id field which can be used to map back to your system.

Tracking SuperAPI entities in your system

We highly suggest creating new database tables to track the "join" between the entities in your system (employers, employees) and the entities in SuperAPI. This provides a convenient indicator that the join between the systems as been created and allows you to store SuperAPI related information in a way that does not pollute the primary models in your system.

For example, to model the relationship between employers in your system and SuperAPI, your database could look like:

The data column in this case would model the JSON store in SuperAPI about the employer object. This would give you a convenient place to track the status of SuperAPI employers (for example, do they require a default super fund to be selected?). In this case, the remote_id provided to SuperAPI would be the primary key id of the EmployerSuperAPIEmployers record. This also creates a nice destination for webhook data to be stored after it has been fetched.

The future of super is embedded