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Integrating SuperAPI

The following is a detailed step by step tutorial on how to integrate SuperAPI into your product.

Getting help

Stuck with something and need help? Please contact us at [email protected] or by phone at 0405 472 748 (Sam)

Document terminology

Throughout this document, we will use consistent terminology to represent the actors or actions involved in our software integration. The following table provides a quick reference to these terms:

SuperAPIThe authors and maintainers of the SuperAPI Embed
SuperAPI EmbedOur embedded super selection tool
3rd Party SoftwareThe software product that hosts the SuperAPI Embed and shows it to Employees
EmployeeThe individual making a super selection via the SuperAPI Embed
EmployerThe organisation that employs the employee
Onboarding SessionAn instance of an Employee onboarding, usually to make a super selection
SuperAPI JavaScript LibraryA JavaScript library enabling 3rd Party Software developers to easily integrate their product with our super selection tool.
3rd Party Software API KeyA secure token provided during the setup of an integration with SuperAPI. All server to server requests to SuperAPI must include this API Key.
Super Fund PartnerA super fund that has partnered with SuperAPI to engage with Employee's when they make a Super Selection Session
MemberAn Employee that belongs to a Super Fund


28/08/2024valid_until date range is now restricted to 2 hours in the future
05/08/2024Removed detailed information and provided links to guides instead, moved to tutorials section
10/05/2024valid_until changed to be an ISO8601 timestamp for consistency
08/05/2024Documented disclaimers and bank accounts
07/05/2024Generated PDF super assets moved under the onboarding_session_super_selection
16/04/2024Return more fields on employee_detail's
08/04/2024Add more detail on the expires_at column for onboarding_session's
21/03/2024Added middle_name and has_financial_supplement_debt to employee creation
20/03/2024Added casual and labour_hire pay basis enums
06/03/2024Indicate that the TFN under the super_fund_member_detail response can be null
05/03/2024Modified endpoint from to
15/02/2024Added other type for gender (free form entry coming soon). Added additional titles.
15/02/2024Converted enums to be lowercase, added additional tax fields to employees and address details to employers
02/02/2024Added an example payload for the onboarding session webhook response
29/01/2024Public release of the docs

Getting setup

Make sure you read the Overview so you have an understanding of how SuperAPI integrates with 3rd party products. This document has been designed to give you a high level overview of how the pieces of software, i.e. your product and SuperAPI, fit together. That high level understanding will make the following detailed process much easier to follow.

Obtaining your API keys

The first step is to obtain your API keys from SuperAPI. These API keys identify your software to SuperAPI and allows you to create and read data from our system. If you have not obtained your keys yet then please email [email protected] to have one provisioned.

Depending on your setup, we can provision keys for your staging and local development environments (it is also possible for developers to share a key). Once you're happy with your implementation of SuperAPI then get in touch with us and we can provision you production keys for use in your live environment.

If your software is not multi-tenanted then please talk to us about how to programmatically generate api keys for each of your instances. Ideally you should have only one production key but in some software architectures it may make sense to generate API keys for each instance of your production software.


Your api key is sensitive data and should be treated as such. With it, personal information about the sessions your users have created in SuperAPI can be read. Ensure it is not checked into your source code repository.

What is the sandbox?

Sandboxed instances of SuperAPI are made for development and testing purposes. Sandboxed instances have the same functionality as non sandboxed (production) instances. Sandboxed instances are restricted from interacting with external services, such as Super Fund & ATO services. This protects your development & testing environments from accidentally interacting with any external production systems.

This does not impact how you can integrate with SuperAPI, as any required external services are mocked to enable the required functionality within the sandbox. Only the experience that users will have when going through a super selection flow is impacted.

Details needed to create your API key

When we create your API key, we will need some details about you. These are:

product_nameName of your product that will be using the API key
webhook_urlThe callback URL that will be used to send data as it changes in our system
target_originTarget origin so we can safely broadcast iFrame message to the secured destination (need help? Read the MDN docs on targetOrigin for iFrames)

In addition to the API key, you will also be provided a unique token which has been generated by us that you can use to identify webhook as originating from our system.

SuperAPI Overview

Our REST endpoints

All calls to our Rest endpoints will return the same structured metadata, this is represented as:

dataobjectThe serialised object in our system
versionstringThe version of serialised data. This will match the version in the endpoint that the record was created with

Employer setup process

Each new employer must be setup in SuperAPI before they can begin onboarding their employees. Setting up an employer is a two step process. First the employer must be created via the API. Then the employer embed must be presented to a user of the employer so they can configure their employer settings.


Employer endpoint

Creating employers

An employer object must be created before an employee can be onboarded via SuperAPI. Employer objects contain information about the employer that the employee is onboarding with. This can include the name, abn and default super fund for the employer.


If you don't configure an employer and attempt to create an onboarding session, you will receive an error! Please ensure that your system prevents onboarding sessions being created for an employer until the employer object has been created, and you've presented the employer configuration embed to a member of the employer team.

We suggest that you create a table to map the relationship between the employer in your system and the employer object in SuperAPI. In a relational database system, this could look like:

With this join table in place, you will have a way of linking the employer record in your system with the employer object that is in SuperAPI.

Once you are ready to create employers, please see the documentation on how to create an employer

Onboarding session

The process of onboarding a new employee with SuperAPI is a two step process. First an onboarding session is created, then the employee is presented with the employee embed (iframe), via which they can complete their super selection.

It is assumed that the SuperAPI super selection step is not the first step within your employee onboarding process. Based on this assumption, it is also assumed that you will bootstrap the the onboarding session with employee details that have been collected through the other steps in your employee onboarding journey. The employee details you provide to the onboarding session will be use to prefill any details the employee is required to enter. Some functionality within the employee onboarding session is dependent on employee details (such as stapling / presenting existing super funds) but these features will gracefully degrade if the employee details are not provided (or are invalid).

Unlike the employer embed, the onboarding session is ephemeral. It is expected that a user will have at least one onboarding session but may have more. For example, you may want to require the user to come back to your system to make another super selection after a year to ensure they are making optimal choices about the super fund that they use. In this case, the employee would have two onboarding sessions, each a year apart.


Once you are ready to create onboarding sessions, please see the documentation on how to work with onboarding sessions

Designing database tables to support the SuperAPI onboarding sessions is similar to the way the employer <> SuperAPI relationship works:


Webhooks exist as the primary mechanism to transport data from SuperAPI back to the partner website. Webhooks will always deliver to the same URL (this is configured when we provision your partner account, contact us if you need to update this) but will be wrapped in metadata to help distinguish the event that triggered the webhook.

Please see the list of webhooks, how to work with webhooks locally and how webhook security works.


For detailed information on the data that is sent to and from the API, please view our live swagger spec,

The future of super is embedded